Discover Sailing

Why not join us at the Island Sailing Club to get out on the water and discover sailing.    With our fleet of Sonars and experienced helms you can have a go at all aspects of sailing, meet new people and then join us for a drink afterwards in our Clubhouse over looking the Solent. Newcomers will be paired with local skippers at the Lower Marquee and will have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of sailing including steering, mainsail and foresail trimming, foredeck (assisting in launching, flying and recovering the spinnaker) and mooring.

Every Thursday during the season, the Club offers newcomers time on the water through our Adult Sailing programme. No experience is necessary – simply come to the Club at 1800 on Thursday and pay £15. This year the Thursday evening sailing will kick off on 20 April, with the added bonus of Saturday morning sailing from 13 May with weekly meets up to the end of September.   On Sunday 20 August we will be hosting our Swallows & Amazons Sonar sailing adventure – more about this later in the year.

For more information contact our Sailing Secretary, Ben Ferris on